NSW Smart and Skilled Training

Home/NSW Smart and Skilled Training

TMT Education is approved to offer subsidised training to eligible students, under the NSW Government Smart and Skilled training program. This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.

To be eligible, you must be:

  • 15 years old or over
  • no longer at school
  • living or working in NSW
  • an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen

Smart and Skilled Student Self-Assessment

Go to the Skills Navigator to check your eligibility

What you’ll need to Enrol

For more information, please see https://education.nsw.gov.au/skills-nsw/students-and-job-seekers/low-cost-and-free-training-options/smart-and-skilled-training

There may be some additional costs which are not covered by the Smart and Skilled program, for example, a makeup kit.

Note that we have a limited number of places available under this program, so please don’t delay in contacting us for more information.


Your fees and the government contribution are dependent on your eligibility of the Smart and Skilled Program.

The NSW Government sets qualification prices and student fees for Smart and Skilled training.

The schedule of fees can be accessed at: Smart and Skilled prices, fees and subsidies | NSW Government

SHB30221 Certificate III in Makeup (Online)

Concession: $240
First Qualification: $2130
Second Qualification: $2550
and needs to meet the below additional eligibility criteria:

At the time of enrollment in a trade-related full qualification on the NSW Skills
List, the student must be a person who:

1) meets the Smart and Skilled Eligibility Criteria (as outlined in the Smart
and Skilled Student Eligibility Policy), and
2) Is at least 21 years of age and over, and
3) has at least 2 years of work experience in the occupation/trade that relates to the qualification they will be undertaking (which should be equivalent to 20 per cent of recognition of prior learning for the units of competency in the qualification), and
4) is currently working in the relevant industry – or have worked within the
industry in the past 5 years – that relates to the trade qualification they will
be undertaking.